Control Room Workstation
The approach to my studio is to have a more of an analog mentality to in the box mixing. The Roll Music Folcroms are 32 channels of passive summing that does not provide gain or variable options for individual channels. This means every time I run the session out to be summed, we end up with a balanced and perfectly recalled setup, just as you would with an completely in the box mix; but this way, with the tone and width of a mix that is spread out on a console. And since it is a passive system, I have the option to run the mix through different external amplifier circuitry such as Chandler EMI, API, Neve, Helios, Focusrite or Mäag amplifiers to find the best suited console style for the mix.
Pro Tools HDX with Pro Tools Ultimate
Macbook Pro 10-Core M1 Max w/ 64GB RAM
MacPro 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 w/ 64GB RAM
Apogee Big Ben
Lynx Aurora 16
Avid HD I/O 16x16
Burl B2 Bomber
32 channels of Roll Music FOLCROM Summing
Universal Audio UAD quad core
Fab Filter
Sound Toys
Soft Tube
Audio Movers
Sound Theory
PMC 7.1.4 setup with twotwo 8 LCR, Ci-65 sides and rears, Ci- 35 overs
Crown DCI Amps
ProAc Studio 100
Bryston 4B
2x 12” sub
Grace Design M908 for immersive
Crane Song Avocet for stereo
MIT Terminator 2 Speaker Cables
Hearback Cue System
Pre Amps
Chandler TG2
API 512B x3
Helios Type 69 Pre x2
Focusrite ISA 2
Mäag PreEQ x2
Warm Audio WA-412 x3
Dramastic Audio Obsidian
LA-3A x2
Distressor x2
Hairball 1176 Rev D
DBX 160x x2
ADR F769X-R Vocal Stresser
Other Outboard
Maag EQ x2
Harrison 32 EQ
Api 560 x2
Imperical Labs Deresser x2
SPL 4ch Transient Designer
Moog 500 Series Ladder Filter
Aphex 204 Harmonizer
Yamaha SPX-90
Roland RSP-550
Lawson L-U47
Heiserman Audio Type-19 x2
Heiserman H47 FET
Soyuz SU-013M x2
Gauge Audio 87 x2
AEA R-88
AEA R-92 x2
Royer R-121
Beyer-dynamic M-88
Hand Built DIY Omni MIc x2
Sure SM-7b
Sure SM-58
Sure B52
Sure SM57 x4
AKG D-112
Sennheizer MD 421 x3
EV 635A x3
Fender Rhodes 73 (late 1973…best months of production)
Novation Ultranova Synth
Juno 60
Alesis Micron
Moog Sub Phatty
Korg DW5000 Synth
Arp Quartet
Yamaha CS-10 Synth
Electron RYTM Drum Machine
Roland TR-8 Drum Machine
Tama 5pc w/ Zildjian A Custom, K Custom, and Wuhan Cymbals
Roland TD-9 Electronic Kit
Fender 62’ Tele Custom
Fender 2019 Stratocaster
Fender 2017 P Bass
Martin 1970 D-28
Epiphone Master Built Acoustic
Fender 62’ Bassman
Peavey Classic 30
Fender Deluxe 85 Red Knob
Marshall JCM-900
Orange Tiny Terror
Worshiper 4x12 16ohm Cab w/ Weber Legacy 65w speakers
Z-Vex Fuzz Factory
Earthquaker Palisades
Gremlin Worshiper RAT
JHS Morning Glory
SansAmp GT2
Earthquaker Afterneath
Diamond Compressor PSG Custom
Univox Micro-Fazer
Electro Harmonix Holy Grail
Dunlop Cry Baby Classic
Fulltone Supa-Trem
Boss GE-7 EQ
Boss XT-2 Xtortion
Boss TU-2 Tuner
T.C. Electronic Polytune
Peterson Strobe